At this step we are going to create empty entry function. We will use "_ujgCompletedIssues" for AMD module name. You can put anything you like but it should be unique between other instances of Universal Gadget for Jira gadget. Put "_ujgCompletedIssues" into "AMD module" field and use the same name as the first argument of define function in "JavaScript to run" editor. At this step it can look like:

define("_ujgCompletedIssues", [ "jquery" ], function($) {
  var MyGadget = function(API) {
  return MyGadget;

This is a stub JavaScript with AMD entry point that returns a function. The function is called by the plugin wrapper code and API object is passed as an argument. You can check API methods.

In step 3 we are going to add some code into the created JavaScript stub.