
A variable contains an issue. Templating engine can't show all it's properties using just one command. Issue consists of properties, so use dot notation to access properties.



Valid properties are:

String issuekey;
Number id;
String summary;
String description;
Date created;
User assignee;
User creator;
User reporter;
List<Comment> comments;
List<Worklog> worklogs;
Progress progress;
Progress aggregateprogress;
String aggregatetimeestimate;
Number aggregatetimeestimateSeconds;
String aggregatetimeoriginalestimate;
Number aggregatetimeoriginalestimateSeconds;
String aggregatetimespent;
Number aggregatetimespentSeconds;
Date duedate;
String environment;
List<Version> fixVersions;
List<String> labels;
Date lastViewed;
Date resolutiondate;
String timeestimate;
Number timeestimateSeconds;
String timeoriginalestimate;
Number timeoriginalestimateSeconds;
String timespent;
Number timespentSeconds;
Date updated;
List<Version> versions;
Number workratio;
Project project;
IssueType issuetype;
NameId priority;
NameId resolution;
Status status;



A variable contains an issue type. Templating engine can't show all it's properties using just one command. Issue type consists of properties, so use dot notation to access properties.



Valid properties are: 

String name;
String id;
String description;
Boolean subtask;
Number avatarId;



A variable contains an issue version. Templating engine can't show all it's properties using just one command. Issue version consists of properties, so use dot notation to access properties.



Valid properties are: 

String id;
String name;
Boolean archived;
Boolean released;
Date releaseDate;



A variable contains 'name' and 'id' properties. Templating engine can't show both using just one command. Use dot notation to access properties.



Valid properties are: 

String id;
String name;



A variable contains progress properties. Templating engine can't show all properties using just one command. Use dot notation to access properties.



Valid properties are: 

Number progress;
Number total;
Number percent;



A variable contains status category properties. Templating engine can't show all properties using just one command. Use dot notation to access properties.



Valid properties are: 

Number id;
String key;
String name;
String colorName;



A variable contains status properties. Templating engine can't show all properties using just one command. Use dot notation to access properties.



Valid properties are: 

String id;
String name;
StatusCategory statusCategory;



A variable contains user properties. Templating engine can't show all properties using just one command. Use dot notation to access properties.



Valid properties are: 

String displayName;
String name;
String emailAddress;
String timeZone;



A variable contains project properties. Templating engine can't show all properties using just one command. Use dot notation to access properties.



Valid properties are: 

String id;
String name;
String key;
String projectTypeKey;



A variable contains worklog properties. Templating engine can't show all properties using just one command. Use dot notation to access properties.



Valid properties are: 

String id;
String comment;
Date created;
Date updated;
Date started;
String timeSpent;
Numeric timeSpentSeconds;
User author;
User updateAuthor;

{{[someVariable.comment]}}  OR  {{[someVariable.updateAuthor.displayName]}}


A variable contains comment properties. Templating engine can't show all properties using just one command. Use dot notation to access properties.



Valid properties are: 

String id;
String body;
Date created;
Date updated;
User author;
User updateAuthor;

{{[someVariable.body]}}  OR  {{[someVariable.updateAuthor.displayName]}}

Property Types and their sub-properties

List<...>List of properties. Type is specified inside brackets, like List<String> or List<User>
UserString displayName;
String name;
String emailAddress;
String timeZone;
NameIdString id;
String name;
StatusString id;
String name;
StatusCategory statusCategory;
StatusCategoryNumber id;
String key;
String name;
String colorName;
VersionString id;
String name;
Boolean archived;
Boolean released;
Date releaseDate;
ProgressNumber progress;
Number total;
Number percent;
ProjectString id;
String name;
String key;
String projectTypeKey;
IssueTypeString name;
String id;
String description;
Boolean subtask;
Number avatarId;
WorklogString id;
String comment;
Date created;
Date updated;
Date started;
String timeSpent;
Number timeSpentSeconds;
User author;
User updateAuthor;
CommentString id;
String body;
Date created;
Date updated;
User author;
User updateAuthor;