Company Calendar for Jira v 7.1 x: FAQ

What Jira permissions are required in order to configure calendar sources?

to be able to create and configure the event sources in a calendar configuration, a user should be granted the calendar permission Calendar editing first. When it comes to Jira permission requirements, a user may require certain Jira permissions depending on what he or she is trying to achieve.

For instance, three users Oksana, Yuriy and Raymond are granted the Calendar visibility and Events editing calendar permissions but only Oksana and Raymond are granted the calendar permission Calendar editing. As a result, Oksana and Raymond will be able to create new event sources for the calendar but Yuriy will not have such ability as he is missing the required permission Calendar editing.


Let’s say, Oksana wants to create an event source for the project GRAND. She will be able to do so only in case she is granted the required project permission View projects (new project permission that is a part of deprecated project permission Browse projects).



In contrast, she’ll be able to create an event source with the option “All projects“ (or “No projects“ (effective for custom event sources only)) as selecting this option does not require any Jira permissions.


Another example when a user could experience some limitations during an event source creation is, let’s say, Raymond wants to create and configure a Jira dates source based on a DEMO board filter. Raymond is granted the project (DEMO) permission View projects, and DEMO board filter is shared with the project DEMO. As a result, he is able to create a Jira dates event source based on DEMO board filter.



Another example, a user created a private Jira filter and shared it with user Oksana only. As a result, only Oksana and private filter owner will be able to create a Jira dates event source based on the private filter.


Also, there is one more example that could be found useful. Let’s say Raymond wants to add Assets fields to the event source configuration. He’ll be able to do so only in case the Assets integration is enabled by an admin in the app configuration first (cloud version) or Assets is integrated in Jira (server/DC version). Then, the Object schemas shall be shared with his user.




To sum-up:

In most cases, a user may require the project permission View projects in order to be able to create and configure an event source, in calendar configuration. In certain cases, a user may also require an access to a filter or Assets object schema.

Can I be notified about the upcoming events via email?

Certainly. Starting the app version 6.0, Jira admin can enable the email notifications via app configuration:

Once the email notifications are enabled by admin with the right to override, users can configure the notifications according to their needs and preferences:

I want the custom field to be shown on Create Event and Edit Event dialogs

For a custom field to be shown on the Create Event and Edit Event dialogs, it has to be added to Jira dates source configuration, first.

To do that,

  • open a calendar configuration

  • click to edit the source configuration

  • scroll down to Issue fields

  • Insert the field you want to appear on the dialogs

  • make sure that the checkbox “i“ is ticked so the field appears on the dialogs

  • click Save button



Once the field is added, it shall appear on the Create Event and Edit Event dialogs.



I want to show the custom Insight fields on calendar events

Once the Insight integration is enabled by an admin, the app users will be available to configure the Insight fields for event display:

I am not able to create or edit an event because of the error

You might encounter the next error when creating or editing a Jira dates based event:



Very often, the reason why a user is not able to create an event with a new Jira issue creation or edit an existing event is, simply, because the Jira field that the event is based on, is missing from a project’s screen.

As, in example above, the Jira field Due date is not present on the Default and Bug screens of the project “Cloud Silver (CS)”.

In order to avoid the error and to be able to create or edit an event, the Due date field shall be added to the project’s screens.

To do that an admin would have to go to the project settings and edit the project’s screens, as shown below.




There might be a case that the appropriate Jira field is present on Create screen but missing from Edit screen. Therefore, should the error appear, and admin has to check the project’s screens carefully and make the required changes.


Another reason for not being able to create or edit an event based on Jira dates source is a missing required permission. Please see the table below of possible cases.

The permissions to verify





Create Issues

If not granted this permission, you'll not be able to create an event with a new Jira issue creation.

Schedule Issues

This permission is required in order to set a due date for the issue. If not granted the permission, you'll not be able to create an event based on the field “Due date”.

Assign Issues

Without being granted the permission, you’ll not be able to edit an event by assigning the issue the event is based to another user.

Assignable User

The permission is required in order to be able to assign issue to yourself. If not granted the permission, you'll not be able to edit an event and change the assignee to yourself, even though, you are granted the permission "Assign Issues".

Edit Issues

The permission is required in order to be able to edit the events by changing the dates, assignee, etc.

Modify Reporter

Without being granted this permission, you'll not be able to edit a reporter for issue the event is based on.

Why I don't see the created calendar, in a project context view?

Most likely, you don't see the created calendar, in a project context view, because it doesn't contain any sources associated with the given project.


What is the difference between Issue fields, Event fields, Report fields and Aggregated fields?

Issue fields- are the attributes of Jira issues. These are the standard and custom Jira fields. Examples: assignee, reporter, priority, due date, etc. The issue fields are used in source configuration, including conditional colors, and report field configuration.

Event fields- are the attributes of custom events such as Meetings, for instance. Examples: event user(s), event reporter, event summary, event description, etc. The event fields are used in source configuration, including conditional colors, and report field configuration.

Report fields- are the fields that can be added to report field configuration. They include issue fields and event fields. In addition, there are unique report fields that can be used specifically in reports such as event source, day, week, and month.

Aggregated fields- are the fields that have been created specifically for the application to aggregate the value for two different event types, Jira dates and custom. Examples: Σ Summary, Σ Description, Σ Reporter. Such fields can be used in reports but not in source configuration.

In addition, there are aggregated field for parent, epic and time tracking fields such as Σ Parent, Σ Epic, Σ Epic Name, Σ Original Estimate, Σ Remaining Estimate and Σ Time Spent.

Such fields can be used in reports and in source configuration.


The conditional color that includes the function “endOfWeek()“ is not working properly

You might experience the next issue when the configured conditional color that includes the function “endOfWeek()“ is not working correctly.

For instance, as an app user, in User settings, I’ve configured my week to start on Monday:

Then, in source configuration, I’ve configured the conditional color: Due date <= endOfWeek() → red.

Although, the configured conditional color is not applied to the event that is based on issue that has a due date that falls on Sunday of the current week according to User settings in the app.

The root cause of the issue is laying in Jira’s behavior as, in Jira, week starts on Sunday.


Why the time in Company Calendar differs from the time set for an issue in Jira?

The reason could be that the user's time zone is set to private in user's Jira profile. In such case, Company Calendar app refers to the time zone that is set in Jira.

Please refer to the page to find out how to fix the issue.