




View/edit chart configuration


Chart home page/ list of charts


Refresh chart


Expand / collapse all tasks


Select columns for the left-side grid.


Users can select which fields they want to be shown as columns on the left-side grid. In addition, they can achieve the desired column order by drag-and-dropping selected fields in the dialog.

Starting the app version 5.0, Gantt chart tree can be presented by the column Key instead of column Summary (default).



On exported to Excel chart, besides default standard fields, the additionally selected fields will be shown. Extra fields will not be shown on a chart shared with the public via URL or as embedded.


Create and add a new Jira or internal task to the chart


undoButtonGantt.png Undo last actions

Create scenarios, review changes and switch between scenarios and Jira (Live)


chartHealthButtonGantt.png Check chart health

Starting the app version 5.0, all chart issues can be tracked in one place, on the Chart health dialog. It is accessible via the Check chart health button on the toolbar.

A user can be redirected to the problematic task in a single click using the ‘Show task on the chart’ button.

By default, the chart issues are divided into 5 categories. Click the ‘Select categories to display button’ to hide or reorder the categories, if necessary. In addition, the starting date, finish date or time range can be selected to filter the tasks in the dialog.


Save parent task data to Jira

Use this button in case you want to update the Jira dates for parent tasks based on the dates that are displayed for parent tasks, on a chart.


Group tasks by selected Jira fields / Create chart hierarchy

Hide tasks that don’t match search criteria





filterButtonGantt.png Show or hide Filter panel

In the app version 5.0, task filtering functionality went through major makeover. The old filters such as ‘Filter by issue type’, ‘Filter by resource’ and ‘Filter by status’ are replaced by more advanced filters. Now, users can filter the tasks either by Gantt / Jira fields, or by JQL.

Task filtering


Scroll to current date


Show or hide resources (Resources, bottom panel)

Show menu

Toggle visibility of the elements on a chart (Show dropdown):

Show or hide the table (the list of tasks and configured columns)

Show or hide the timeline (bars and links area)

Show the total of all projects in the chart by enabling the Gantt total display

Tasks on critical path are highlighted in red when critical path display is enabled

Show or hide vertical markers (vertical orange lines on the today’s date and release dates)

Show or hide the task summary to the right of the task bar

Show or hide resource/workload to the left of the task bar*


When Constant display of milestones is marked, milestones will be shown on parent tasks too (will roll up). This allows to see milestones on top levels even if the whole tree is collapsed. In example below, the milestone is shown on a collapsed project because Constant display of milestones is marked.


Show tasks sorted by a grid column, or sorted according to order defined in the chart JQL

Gantt total

Users can now see the total of multiple projects configured for the chart by enabling the Gantt total display under the Show menu.



Save multiple customized Gantt chart views to apply them any time you need.

Set timeline and resources scale. Timeline and resources cell range will change depending on a selected scale.

Hour scale allows to set duration in minutes

Day scale allows to set duration in hours. Non-working days are marked with gray background.

Other scales allow to set duration in days


Select or create a baseline for the chart.

Details: Working with baselines


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