Gantt Suite for Jira v 2.2.x: Custom chart settings (beta)
These settings are mostly used for hot-fixes or for early access to the features that haven’t been tested yet. These settings have the following limitations:
Setting affects only the browser / computer where setting is changed. If you use multiple browsers (like Chrome, Edge, Firefox, etc.) then you will have to repeat the steps in each browser.
We do not guarantee the correct work, as these are beta features that aren’t tested by quality assurance engineers; However we would appreciate your bug reports, in case you find a bug that is not specified in the table below
Please hover over a key in the table, till the copy icon appears. Then, click the copy icon in order to copy the key.
Please don’t use the selection and Ctrl +C as it will lead to incorrect coping.
Available settings
| Description | Key | Allowed values | Known issues/Notes |
1 | Perform auto-scheduling on chart load. If the chart has linked tasks, and links were added outside Gantt Suite, for example directly on Jira issue edit page, then tasks may be positioned incorrectly. Enabling this option would force chart to check all the links and fix tasks scheduled dates when a chart is loaded. | gsj-autoSchedulingInitial | 1 - enabled |
2 | By default, the linked tasks are brought together so no lag appears between them. If this beta feature is disabled, it prevents such auto-scheduling and lets user to adjust tasks manually. | gsj-autoScheduling | 1 - enabled Default is: 1 |
3 | Stick to calendar day start / end if possible. |