Work Time Tracking Calendar for Jira v 8.0.x: Work Time Tracking Calendar Overview
Introduced in the app version 7.0.x, dark theme is now available in the Work Time Tracking Calendar. The app inherits the theme set in Jira.
1. Calendars / Quick filters / Time allocation menu
The top panel allows to switch between calendars selector, quick filters menu or time allocation mode.
Created calendars available to the current user are shown as a dropdown list in the alphabetical order. Multiple calendars can be selected at once by ticking their checkboxes.
Issue-based events can be filtered by such fields as Assignee, Status, Issue Type, Priority and Reporter. The number of currently applied filters is shown inside each filter dropdown as a blue circle.
The open time allocation panel indicates that a user has entered the time allocation mode. It allows to set the range used as a basis for time allocation.
A blue indicator with a number of currently applied filter categories is displayed in the top right-hand corner of the menu when either calendar selector or time allocation panel is open:
2. Calendars / Quick filters / Time allocation switch button
3. Main buttons
From left to right, Refresh calendar data, Calendar mode, Report mode, Add new calendar, Current calendar configuration, and User settings.
4. Navigation buttons
From left to right, previous calendar period, next calendar period, and today’s date.
5. Create event button
Click the plus button to create a new event.
6. Calendar header
The calendar header contains a drop-down calendar to allow quick navigation to the required date.
7. Calendar view
From left to right, Time grid view, Calendar view, List view and Timeline view.
8. Calendar period, Weekends visibility and Detailed daily hours
Select the day, week, month or quarter calendar period. Configure weekends visibility. Display daily event hours by source.
9. Full screen mode
Open a calendar in the full screen view.
10. Calendar
The created events will be shown here.
As of the app version 7.0.x, the week numbers are conveniently displayed at the top left corner of the day cell.
11. Total
The Total shows either total hours or total days for the events displayed in the currently selected calendar period.
Daily total hours (days) are displayed on a calendar for each corresponding date.
The daily total hours (days) displayed in the top right corner of a day cell represent the first two enabled event sources on the left panel.
By hovering over the daily total hours (days), a user can see the total hours (days) of all events for a specific day as well as the sub-total for each event source which has any events based on it that day.
When the detailed view is disabled, a user can only see the total hours (days) of all events for a given day.
By hovering over the total hours (days) for a specific day, a user can still see the total hours (days) of all events taking place that day as well as the sub-total for each event source which has any events based on it that day.
12. Select all / Deselect all checkbox
Quickly select or deselect all sources or users.
13. Sources / Users tabs
Switch between event sources and users.
14. Work panel
Click to open or exit the work panel to allow for quick event creation based on the enabled event sources.
15. List of sources/users
See the list of sources and users in the calendar. To select or deselect a particular source or user, simply, click on it.
16. Calendar
The calendar opens by default when the app is open.
17. Timers
Open the Timers dialog.
18. Log Work
Log work quickly, without clicking on a calendar.
19. User information tooltip
For your convenience, the tooltip features the View profile, Assigned issues and Reported issues links.