Remove the folder icon from parent tasks or group level when tasks are grouped
Yuriy Harbuziuk 13 June 2024 at 08:55Edited
Note for dev:
in dhxService, we already hide task icon like this
g.templates.grid_file = (item: IDhxTaskModel): string => {
return '';
and to hide folder, we can do this
g.templates.grid_folder = (item: IDhxTaskModel): string => {
return '';
But under this task we need to do some analysis too: In case some client wants to show folder icon, lets see if customer will be able to do this by adding CSS. I hope such customer requests will not happen, but lets be prepared and post how it can be done here in comments. Maybe grid_folder
actually must return instead of empty string something like “<div class='folder_icon_${(item.$open ? "open" : "closed")}
'></div>“ so we could style it via CSS in case some customer needs folder icon.
.folder_icon_closed {
background-image: url();
.folder_icon_open {
background-image: url();
Currently, a user has to insert a custom CSS into User settings to remove the folder icon.
.gantt_tree_icon.gantt_folder_open, .gantt_tree_icon.gantt_folder_closed { display: none; }
As per team decision, the folder icon will be removed for good.
Important: this has to be done on branch v5 as it will be released before the v6 (master) .