Company Calendar for Jira v 6.1.x: Conditional colors

Did you know that you can apply conditional colors to the events created based on Jira dates sources?

The conditional colors can be applied to a Jira dates source by opening its configuration and switching to the Advanced tab.

To create a conditional color, all you have to do is to select the field and operator. Then, either select another field or insert a value. Please see the examples of conditional colors below.

Once the field, operator and value/field are selected, make sure to click the blue Plus button to add the created conditional color.

For such fields as Due date, Updated, Created, etc., the conditional colors can be created, using functions. The list of function suggestions will be shown in a drop-down menu:

For example, you want the events that are based on Jira issues that are due by the end of the day to be highlighted in bright green. In such case, you will create the conditional color based on the field Due date, operator <= and the function endOfDay() as shown below:

The selected function can be modified to suit your business needs. For instance, you want to highlight the events that are based on Jira issues that are due by the end of the next week. In such case, you will use the function endOfWeek(). Then, you will have to edit it by inserting “1“ inside the parentheses so it is endOfWeek(1). With other words, you are, simply, adding one week to the standard function “by the end of this week“.

Starting app version 5.5.x, the operator in is supported by the conditional colors.

To use the operator in, first, select the field. Then, the operator in. Then, type in the value and click it in the list of suggestions displayed below.

In case you want to add multiple values, type in and click each value, one at a time, as shown below:

Finally, select a color, and click the Plus button to finalize the creation of a conditional color.

Please don’t forget to save the changes to a source configuration by clicking the Save button.

In case multiple conditional colors are added to a Jira dates source, and an event complies with more than one requirement, the topmost matching condition is applied.

The created conditional colors can be rearranged by using drag-and-drop.

Starting app version 5.6.x, the next improvements were implemented for the conditional colors that are created for the fields that support multiple values.

Previously, a conditional color with the operator '=' was applied to events in case when at least one value from a list was present. Now, for a conditional color with the operator '=' to go into effect all the values from a list must be present.

Should you require a conditional color to be applied to events if at least one value from a given array is present, please use the operator 'in' Thus, you may want to review the existing conditional colors for the fields like Labels, Components, Fix versions, etc.

For instance, in a previous version, you've created a conditional color Labels = apple, tree, cloud.
There are three events, on a calendar: one with label apple, the second one with labels leaves and tree, and the third one with labels apple, tree, and cloud. As result, the created conditional color was applied to all events.

With the current changes, the conditional color will apply only to one event, the third one, since it has all the labels from the list. In case you require an event to be highlighted should it have at least one from the labels that is stated in the list, please use the operator 'in'. To follow our example, the next conditional color can be created: Labels in apple.

Editing conditional colors

To edit a conditional color click on Pencil icon next to it.

Once you are done editing the conditional color, click the Checkmark button to close the editing mode.