Company Calendar for Jira: Video Tutorials

Company Calendar for Jira: Video Tutorials

We completely agree with the Asian proverb: 

“Better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times.”

That's why we've created the video tutorials for our app, Company Calendar for Jira.

The video presentation of Company Calendar for Jira can be viewed as playlist of short videos.

Click the image above to watch the playlist.

Each video of the playlist is complemented with narration and can be watched separately as well.

  1. Jira preparation: Project creation and project’s screens update

  2. Calendar & source creation

  3. Event creation

  4. Planning mode

  5. Project context view

  6. Custom-defined sources and recurrent events

  7. Calendar Export

We've also prepared for you some tips on how to work more effectively with Company Calendar for Jira: Working smart not hard. Click to watch as one video. Click to watch as playlist of short videos.

Each video of the playlist is complemented with narration and can be watched separately as well.

  1. Introduction

  2. Event display management

  3. Quick event editing

  4. Easy planning

  5. Event highlights

  6. Thank you

The playlist of short video tutorials without narration can be also viewed on YouTube. The videos have added closed captions.

If you are interested in particular app feature please scroll the page down and select a video.

Calendar creation. Jira based sources.

Watch the video above on YouTube.

Custom sources. Recurring events.

Watch the video above on YouTube.

iCalendar Export.

Watch the video above on YouTube.

Conditional colors. Issue fields display.

Watch the video above on YouTube.

Planning mode.

Watch the video above on YouTube.

Company Calendar: Email notifications

The short video below will quickly guide you through the necessary steps to be taken in order to enable and configure the email notifications for calendar events. We don’t want you to miss any important events!


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