Work Time Tracking Calendar for Jira v 7.2.x: Work panel

Starting the app version 6.0.4 users can drag and drop issues from the work panel onto a calendar to create worklogs and planning events in a single move.

To access the work panel, click the clock icon located on the left panel.


The list of issues will be shown as soon as you select an event source from the source dropdown at the top of the work panel.

Only the sources that are enabled on the left panel will be available for selection on the work panel.


Planning sources configured for ‘No projects’ as well as iCalendar sources aren’t displayed on the Work panel since there are no issues associated with them.

Once a source is selected, the relevant issues are shown on the Work panel. Note that the issues are filtered according to the configuration of the selected source. Thus, if a source is configured for a specific project, only the issues from this project will appear on the Work panel.


Simply drag and drop an issue onto a specific date on a calendar.


As a result, a worklog or a planning event - depending on the source you’ve selected - will automatically be created with a default start time and duration specified in your User settings.


When using a work panel with a time grid view, users can adjust the start time as they drag and drop issues onto a calendar.


The fastest way to do the editing is to drag and drop the existing worklog or a planning event onto a different date or time slot.


You can also double click any event on a calendar to edit its date and time via the Edit Event dialog.

In addition, there is an option to single-click an event to open its information dialog which features the edit and delete icons.


Text and JQL filters on the work panel

In addition to issue filtering based on the source configuration, users can further refine the list of issues on the work panel by applying either a text or a JQL filter.

Use a text filter to search for a word or a word combination in an issue summary.


To apply a JQL filter, switch the text filter abc to the JQL filter in the filter dropdown, first.
Next, enter a JQL filter that suits your business needs. Let’s say, a software engineer is planning on developing the product features that are due by the end of the current month and are assigned to her. In such case, she can apply the next JQL filter:

duedate <= endOfMonth() and assignee = currentUser()

Finally, click the Apply button next to the filter dropdown.


Jira filter on the work panel

In addition to the text and JQL filters, a user can apply a Jira filter to narrow down the issues on the work panel.