Show matching issues in accordance with configured hierarchy for the Jira plan, taking into account project scope for the plan


As GSJ testing shows, currently the matching issues from projects not included into Jira plan scope are shown in issue suggestions to be set as a parent.

In Jira, for a given plan, a user can define the data source for the plan. Meaning, what projects the plan is based on. This affects the ability to set an issue as a parent for a certain issue.

For instance, in case the plan has a defined data source: project DEMO, a user won’t be able to set an issue from project TEST as a parent for a certain DEMO issue, within Jira plan.

Once the project TEST is added to the data source, a user will have such ability.

Currently, a Gantt Suite user is able to set an issue form a non-configured in chart project as a parent. We might want to review the current behavior and match it to Jira behavior should the customers ask us so (the case details can be found in parent task ).






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15m logged

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Created 19 August 2024 at 11:25
Updated 19 August 2024 at 11:27