Planning Mode

The app users can perform the event planning in regards to both event types, Jira dates and custom. To open a planning mode, click the Planning mode button on the Left panel.


Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 14.33.43.png


To start the event planning, select a source first.


Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 14.34.57.png


Once a source is selected, you can plan the events either by Jira issues or Jira users, depending on which tab is currently open, Issues or Users.


Scheduling events by Jira issues

To plan an event by Jira issue, simply, drag an issue from the Planning panel onto a calendar.

Let’s say, an event based on the custom source ‘CMTA Meetings’ and epic CMTA-3 has to be scheduled for July 23rd, 2024. The task can be accomplished by performing the next steps:

  1. Open Planning mode

  2. Select the source ‘CMTA Meetings’

  3. Make sure the tab Issues is currently open

  4. Locate the epic CMTA-3 on the left. Then, drag-and-drop the epic from the Planning panel onto the calendar cell that corresponds to July 23rd, 2024.






In case a scheduled event is not shown on a calendar, check the disabled users on the Users tab, source configuration of the selected source, or enabled quick filters.

Note that the issues displayed on the Planning panel are filtered according to a source configuration of the selected source.

In the above example, the source ‘CMTA Meetings’ is configured based on the project CMTA. As a result, once the source is selected for planning, only the issues that belong to CMTA project are shown on the Planning panel.






Scheduling events by Jira issues in Timeline view

Planning in Timeline view is extremely effective as it allows you to schedule and assign an event at the same time.

For instance, you would like to set August 8, 2024 as a due date for the issue MARS-10 and assign the issue to Maleah Mitchell. Assuming you have configured a Jira dates source that includes the issue MARS-10 in its scope, the task can be completed by following the next steps:

  1. Switch to Timeline view, with August 8, 2024 shown

  2. Open Planning mode

  3. Select the required Jira dates source

  4. Locate the required issue on the Planning panel (the Text, JQL or Jira filter might come handy)

  5. Drag-and-drop the issue MARS-10 to Maleah Mitchell user and drop it into a calendar cell that corresponds with the target date






Scheduling events by Jira users

To plan the events by Jira users, simply, drag-and-drop a user from the Planning panel onto a calendar.

Supposing that you want to schedule a custom event assigned to Maleah Mitchell for July 29th, 2024, 10:00am. The task can be completed by following the next steps:

  1. Make sure you’ve added Maleah Mitchell user to the defined event users in calendar configuration

  2. Open Planning mode

  3. Select the required custom source

  4. Switch to Users tab

  5. Locate Maleah Mitchell user on the left. Then, drag-and-drop the user onto a calendar cell corresponding to July 29th, 2024, 10:00am






Text, JQL and Jira filters on the Planning panel

In addition to the issue filtering resulted by a source configuration, a user can apply either Text (default), JQL or Jira filter to refine the issues, on the Planning panel, further more.




For instance, a team lead is planning a review meeting to discuss the risk mitigation. Thus, she can apply a text filter “Risk mitigation“ to be able quickly find the relevant issue with the corresponding summary.



To apply a JQL filter a user would have to switch the Text filter (abc) to the JQL filter, simply, by clicking the drop-down icon next to the Text filter, and clicking the “JQL filter” option next.



Let’s say, a software engineer is planning on developing the product features that are due by the end of the current month and are assigned to her. In such case, she can apply the next JQL filter:

duedate <= endOfMonth() and assignee = currentUser()






In addition, any Jira filter that is accessible to your user in Jira, private or shared, can be quickly applied to the Planning panel.



Let’s say, you want to see only the issues that are reported by you. In a such case, you can select the Jira filter ‘Reported by Me’.




The ‘Unplanned only’ and ‘Unassigned only’ checkboxes on the planning panel





The ‘Unplanned only’ checkbox

Let’s say, in my calendar, I have a Jira dates source “Feature development” that is based on a single date, Due date, and is configured for the project SSPC.

Should I prefer to perform a planning for the issues that don’t have a set value for the field Due date, I will have to check the Unplanned only checkbox.



In case the source “Feature development” is selected for a planning, each time an issue is dragged and dropped from the Planning panel onto a calendar, a value for the field Due date for that particular issue is defined.

For instance, I would like to set a due date, August 7, 2024 for the issue SSPC-15 which does not have a set due date yet. Once the Unplanned only checkbox is ticked, I will be able to find the issue SSPC-15 on the Planning panel. Then, I will open my calendar with a visible date, August 7, 2024, and drag-and-drop the issue SSPC-15 from the Planning panel onto August 7, 2024 date.



Once the issue is dropped on a calendar’s date, the Jira dates event is created and the due date is set for the issue SSPC-15.




The ‘Unassigned only’ checkbox

There could be times when you require to plan the events based on the issues that are currently unassigned. This is when the checkbox Unassigned only comes handy.



In case an unassigned issue is being drag-and-dropped onto a calendar, the Edit Event dialog will be shown to a user who is performing the event planning to suggest to review the issue assignee and, if needed, to assign the issue.



The event planner can leave the issue unassigned though, and complete the event planning without editing the issue.


Planning errors and how to fix them quickly

Click the planned event with an incorrect date and drag the event to a correct date, if possible. In case the correct date is not within a visible date range, please refer to one of the solutions described below.



Click the planned event with an incorrect date to open an info dialog, and click the Delete button. This will result in clearing the just provided value for the configured field. It will not delete the Jira issue itself.



Once the provided earlier value is cleared, perform the event planning once again by drag-and-dropping the issue onto a correct date.


Double click the planned event with an incorrect date to open the Edit Event dialog. Then, provide a correct date and save the change.




Exiting the planning mode

To exit the planning mode, simply, click the Close planning mode button, on the left.