Company Calendar for Jira v 3.2.x: iCalendar Export

Company Calendar for Jira v 3.2.x: iCalendar Export

It's possible to share Jira based calendars with the customers and add them to Google Calendar, Outlook and many other applications that support iCalendar format. To do so a user has to go to calendar editing and click "iCalendar Export".

In order to create a new iCalendar export, a user has to click  "Add Export" button. A user has to provide an export name and click "Save". After a link is generated, a user can share it with the people who even do not have access to user's Jira or they can use it in user's Google calendar. In order for a link to be copied to the clipboard, a user can use the relevant 'copy' icon next to the link.

Each export link is unique. To revoke an access from a particular side, a user just has to delete a link that was shared. After the deletion, many programs can still use a previously cached version of the calendar but they will not be able to retrieve new changes.

"Download" button can be used to retrieve file based version that a user can add to programs that support iCalendar format. In this case, it will be a snapshot version and all further changes are not reflected.

Please note that iCalendar generation is quite heavy operation so the feed returns events that are 3 months before and 1 year after the current date.

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