Gantt Suite for Jira v 4.0.x: Table

The left-side grid shows an hierarchy of tasks for the chart.



Column customization

Did you know you can select the columns to be displayed on the Table?

First, click the Select table columns button. Then, click Select columns, as shown below.


On dialog, select the required fields to appear as Table columns. Then, re-order the fields via drag-and-drop if needed. Click the Save button.





In case you resize the Table so not all columns are visible, for your convenience, a bottom scroll bar will appear.


If needed, you can completely hide the Table.


Among the available fields you can add to the Table as columns-to-be, there is field Parent.

Due to cloud Jira changes that foresee the Epic Link field removal*, there is a difference between cloud and server app versions when it comes to the field Parent.

In server versions the field Parent presents the values for sub-tasks only, and in cloud version the field Parent presents the values for sub-tasks and issues that lay in an epic. Please see below a screenshot taken from a cloud version.

*- Deprecation of the Epic Link, Parent Link and other related fields in REST APIs and webhooks - Jira Development / Jira Cloud Announcements - The Atlassian Developer Community


Column display format customization

Did you know you can cusotmize the display format for such columns as Duration, Work, Spent, Remaining, etc.

Simply, hover over the column header and click the gear icon. Then, select the preferred unit for a display.




The column Actions

Starting the app version 3.0, the column Actions has been added to the Table.

The Actions column allows a user to quickly select the necessary action in regards to selected task on a chart.