v 4.0.x Spent vs Planned report
"Spent vs Planned" report shows daily logged time versus planned time. The generated records can be sorted and grouped by "Project", "Issue", "Reporter" or "Day". Up to 3 group levels can be defined so you can see totals for the each group level. Reports can be generated as spreadsheets so you can do further processing on them.
Click on "Spent vs Planned" tab. The records are generated for Projects or Filter combined with users or group selected on the left panel and for period defined in "Start / End Date" fields. You can sort and group by "Project", "Issue", "Reporter" or "Day". Check Skip details to print only total and group values. Check "All Users" to generate the report for all users.
Show button generates the report directly to the tab. By clicking Spreadsheet button, you can generate an excel file.