Work Time Tracking Calendar for Jira v 7.2.x: Configuration

The Configuration consists of three tabs:

  • Date and time formats

  • Look and feel

  • Insight integration


The tabs Date and time formats and Look and feel allow an admin to set the default user settings for all new app users. The default settings can be later overridden by the users according to their needs, via User settings.


Starting app version 6.0, a new global app setting “No event message“ was added to the app configuration. It allows to manage a message display regarding an event disappearance, after the event was either created or edited.

For instance, in your calendar, you have a worklog source configured to display the worklogs that belong to user Barbara. You, then, created a worklog event for user John. Since user John is not added to the worklog source configuration, you’ll see a relevant message regarding the absence of the event on a calendar.

Please note that, starting the app version 6.1.0, there is a new setting called Work report for paused timer. Once enabled, the Log Work dialog will be shown to a user when a new timer was started when there was another timer still going on. More information regarding the setting is provided here.

Global options


The app display in a project sidebar can be configured depending on business requirements.

Assets integration

In the app version 6.0.x, the Assets integration was implemented. Now, Assets objects fields can be added to a source configuration, and used in reports.

Once the Assets integration is enabled by an admin, the app users will be available to configure the Assets objects fields for event display by adding the Assets objects fields to a source configuration.

In order to integrate the Assets objects fields, a single global token or multiple user tokens have to be generated.

If the option "User" is selected, each app user will have to generate a personal token, in User settings, via provided link.

Choose the option "Global predefined user", should you prefer the app users to operate with a single token generated by an admin.