Gantt Suite for Jira v 4.0.x: Extended Settings tab
The Extended settings tab offers a user the ability to configure additional customization, including such settings as initial auto-scheduling, default task duration, default unit for resource workload, custom markers, etc.
Auto scheduled dependencies
Editing a task on Gantt chart will re-schedule all dependent tasks. If setting is not enabled, changing a task will not move dependent tasks.
Initial auto-scheduling
If setting is enabled, the tasks are auto-scheduled when a chart is loaded.
This option will only take effect if "Auto scheduled dependencies" is enabled.
Default unit for 'Edit task' dialog
A user can select a default unit if only a number is provided on "Edit task' dialog.
Default task duration
In case a task us unscheduled, it obtains a default duration. A user can define a default task duration in pretty format.Example: 1w 2d 4h 30m.
Default unit for resource workload
A user can select a default unit to use for a resource workload display on the Resource panel.
In-cell task disposition: whole cell
If setting is enabled: a task will fill the whole cell if its duration is equal to or exceeds the working hours for a given day.
If setting is disabled: a task will be shown on a chart as filling part of a cell, according to taken working hours for a given day.
Custom chart markers (json)
In addition to such standard markers such as Today, release and sprint markers, a user can configure a display of custom markers.
Please feel free to use the example below to configure custom markers in accordance to your needs.
[{"date": "2023-12-25 00:00", "title": "Christmas", "color": "green"}, {"date": "2024-01-01 00:00", "title": "Happy New Year!", "color": "red"}]
Include Jira sub-tasks into parent estimate
The settings allows a user to configure the ability to include the Jira sub-task estimate(s) into their parent task estimate, assuming that the parent task is in Manual mode.
The enabled setting might come handy in the next cases:
A user requires to see the aggregated work in epic based on stories that lay in the epic and based on the sub-tasks the stories have
A user requires to see the aggregated work in parent tasks but doesn’t want them to reflect on epic
Case 1:
Epic DEMO-8 has story with two sub-tasks
Story DEMO-2 has 3d work estimate
The story’s sub-tasks DEMO-16 and DEMO-17 have 4h work estimate each
Goal: To display the aggregated work for the epic based on its story and story’s sub-tasks.
To reach the desired outcome, the setting Include Jira sub-tasks into parent estimate has to be enabled.
Then, on Gantt chart, if not done already, the story would be placed in Manual mode. The epic, along with the sub-tasks, shall be in Bottom-up mode.
As a result, the epic is shown with the aggregated work based on story with the sub-tasks.
Case 2:
Epic DEMO-8 has story with two sub-tasks and has 1w work estimate
Story DEMO-2 has 3d work estimate
The story’s sub-tasks DEMO-16 and DEMO-17 have 4h work estimate each
Goal: To display the aggregated work for the parent task (story) based on its sub-tasks but don’t reflect it to the epic the story lays in.
To reach the desired outcome, the setting Include Jira sub-tasks into parent estimate has to be enabled.
Then, on Gantt chart, if not done already, the story and the epic would be placed in Manual mode.
As a result, the parent task (story) is shown with the aggregated work based on its sub-tasks and the epic is shown with its own work estimate.
Auto resolution of conflicts
If setting is enabled, the conflict(s) between the task work and duration will be resolved automatically.
If setting is disabled, the dialog with the options to resolve conflict(s) between the task work and duration will be shown, once Gantt chart is loaded.
Gantt Suite for Jira v 4.0.x: Resolving task conflicts
Workload distribution
You can now choose from 2 options when it comes to workload distribution.
Please be aware that in Server and Data Center Jira this option is only valid when Time Tracking is activated.