v 5.0.x Worklog sources

v 5.0.x Worklog sources

In case you would like to save some time when creating numerous worklogs, you might want to tick the checkbox Default Description for worklog source.

Please note hat if a worklog is created based on planning event, the default description, if checked for the worklog source, is omitted. Planning event summary and planning event description override it.

The worklog event source can be configured based on the project, Jira filter or JQL. You can filter users for the source and set either current user, apply multiple users and groups, or select all users.

In addition, you can define what Jira issue fields you prefer to be displayed on the worklog event and its information dialog. "e"- stands for the event block display, and "i" stands for the information dialog display.

For instance, you would like to set priority display on worklog event bar, and fixing version along with the original estimate to be displayed on information dialog of the worklog.

As result:

Did you know that you can apply the conditional colors to the worklog events based on the values for the Jira issue fields?

To apply a conditional color to the worklog events you would have to configure the conditions for the colors, on a worklog source level.

When configuring a worklog source, click to expand the Conditional colors.

First, select the Jira field. Then, select an operator. And, finally, select either the value or another Jira field, in case you are comparing the selected field to another field. See below the two examples:

Once the conditional colors are configured, you’ll see the important events as highlighted, on your calendar:

Please note that in the example above, both worklogs are reported for the issues that have due date by the end of this week. Although, since the condition for the Time Spent and Original Estimate is the top most condition, it took the effect for the worklog that is based on the issue DEMO-9.

If needed, you can rearrange the conditions.