Work panel
Did you know that you can drag-and-drop the issues or users from the Work panel onto a calendar to create the worklogs or planning events in a single drag-and-drop move.
To access the Work panel, click the Work panel button located on the left.
To start the work planning or work reporting, select a required source first.
Once a source is selected, you can plan or report a work either by Jira issues or Jira users, depending on which tab is currently open, Issues or Users.
Only those sources that are enabled on the Left panel will be available for a selection on the Work panel.
Planning or reporting work by Jira issues
To schedule an event by Jira issue, simply, drag an issue from the Work panel onto a calendar.
Let’s say, you are planning to work on a defect found in a software tomorrow, starting 10:00am. Thus, you would like to create a work planning event. The task can be accomplished by performing the next steps:
Open Work panel
Select the required planning source
Make sure the tab Issues is currently open
Locate the required issue on the left. Then, drag-and-drop a required issue from the Work panel onto the calendar cell that corresponds to the planned tomorrow’s date time.
In case a scheduled event is not shown on a calendar, check the disabled users on the Users tab, source configuration of the selected source, or enabled quick filters.
In the above example, the selected source is configured based on the project MSP. As a result, once the source is selected for work, only the issues that belong to MSP project are shown on the Work panel.
Let’s go through another example. Assuming, you want to report a work you’ve completed, this morning.
You can accomplish the task by following the next steps:
Open Work panel
Select the required worklog source
Make sure the tab Issues is currently open
Locate the required issue on the left. Then, drag-and-drop the issue from the Work panel onto the calendar cell that corresponds to the today’s date time.
Scheduling and reporting work by Jira issues, using Work panel, in Timeline view
For instance, you would like to plan work on an issue and, at the same time, assign the planned work to Desiree Sorrel. Assuming you have configured a planning source that includes the required issue in its scope, the task can be completed by following the next steps:
Make sure you’ve added Desiree Sorrel user to the defined event users in calendar configuration
Switch to Timeline view, with required period being shown
Open Work panel
Select the required planning source
Locate the required issue on the Work panel (the Text, JQL or Jira filter might come handy)
Drag-and-drop the issue to Desiree Sorrel user and drop it into a calendar cell that corresponds with the target date
Another example, supposing, you require to report work on behalf of another user Maleah Mitchell. Assuming, both, current user and target user, are granted the required project permissions, the task can be completed by following the next steps:
Make sure you’ve added Maleah Mitchell user to the defined event users in calendar configuration
Open Work panel
Select the required worklog source
Switch to Timeline view
Locate the required issue on the left. Then, drag-and-drop the issue onto a calendar cell corresponding to the target date, next to user Maleah Mitchell
Scheduling and reporting work by Jira users
To plan the events by Jira users, simply, drag-and-drop a user from the Work panel onto a calendar.
Supposing that you want to schedule a work assigned to Maleah Mitchell for July 29th, 2024, 10:00am. The task can be completed by following the next steps:
Make sure you’ve added Maleah Mitchell user to the defined event users in calendar configuration
Open Work panel
Select the required planning source
Switch to Users tab
Locate Maleah Mitchell user on the left. Then, drag-and-drop the user onto a calendar cell corresponding to July 29th, 2024, 10:00am
Text, JQL and Jira filters on the Work panel
In addition to the issue filtering resulted by a source configuration, a user can apply either Text (default), JQL or Jira filter to refine the issues, on the Work panel, further more.
Use a text filter to search for a word or a word combination in an issue summary.
For instance, you are searching for the issues related to UI Component. Thus, you can apply a text filter “UI“ to be able quickly find the relevant issues with the corresponding summary.
To apply a JQL filter a user would have to switch the Text filter (abc) to the JQL filter, simply, by clicking the drop-down icon next to the Text filter, and clicking the “JQL filter” option next.
Let’s say, a software engineer is planning on developing the product features that are due by the end of the current month and are assigned to her. In such case, she can apply the next JQL filter:
duedate <= endOfMonth() and assignee = currentUser()
In addition, any Jira filter that is accessible to your user in Jira, private or shared, can be quickly applied to the Work panel.
Work panel errors and how to fix them quickly
The fastest way to do the editing is to drag and drop the existing worklog or a planning event onto a different date or time slot.
You can also double click any event on a calendar to edit its date and time via the Edit Event dialog.
In addition, there is an option to single-click an event to open its information dialog which features the edit and delete icons.
Closing the Work panel
To exit the Work mode, simply, click the Close Work panel button, on the left.