General tab

General tab

To create a calendar, click on Plus button located at the top right corner of the screen.


Don’t see the Plus button? It means you are not granted the required Calendar creation permission. Please refer to your Jira administrator to obtain one.

Once you clicked the Plus button, a calendar configuration dialog will be open. On General tab, provide the calendar's name and description (optional).


The General tab can be edited only by a calendar owner and the administrators, in Calendar Management.

Please note: When creating a calendar, a user automatically becomes its owner. The Owner field is editable, once a calendar is saved.

The calendar owner can set a new owner for the saved calendar. In addition, the calendar owner can delete the calendar by clicking Delete calendar button, on General tab.


For your convenience, we’ve added the name of a calendar you are about to delete to the confirmation message.





As a calendar owner, you can set the event users either by selecting the option From events (default) or Defined next to Event Users.


By default, once a calendar is created, it displays users that are taken from existing calendar events. Calendar owner can set defined event users. Meaning, the defined users will be shown, on the left panel, even though there are might be no events assigned to them for a given calendar period.



Calendar permissions

In addition to the above, as a calendar owner, you can define the calendar permissions.


  • The Calendar Visibility permission defines who can access a calendar. Public calendars are accessible by all Jira users. Calendars with Defined users/groups are accessible by the user/groups that calendar visibility permission is granted to. Private calendars are accessible only by a calendar owner.

  • The Calendar Editing permission defines who can add, edit and delete the calendar's configuration along with its configured event sources. When the permission is set to Public, all Jira users can edit the current calendar's configuration, including the configured event sources. When the calendar editing permission is granted to Defined users/groups, only such users can change the calendar's configuration. When the permission is set to Private, only a calendar owner can change the calendar's configuration. This restriction affects only the calendar's configuration and other users who are granted the events editing permission can still cr