





View/edit chart configuration


Chart home page/ list of charts


Refresh chart


Expand / collapse all tasks


Select columns for the left-side grid.


Users can select which fields they want to be shown as columns on the left-side grid. In addition, they can achieve the desired column order by drag-and-dropping selected fields in the dialog.

Starting the app version 5.0, Gantt chart tree can be presented by the column Key instead of column Summary (default).



On exported to Excel chart, besides default standard fields, the additionally selected fields will be shown. Extra fields will not be shown on a chart shared with the public via URL or as embedded.


Create and add a new Jira or internal task to the chart


undoButtonGantt.png Undo last actions

Create scenarios, review changes and switch between scenarios and Jira (Live)


chartHealthButtonGantt.png Check chart health