Creating and Editing Custom and Custom-Defined Events

Creating and Editing Custom and Custom-Defined Events

Besides being able to create and edit the Jira dates events, in Company Calendar, a user is able to create and edit the custom and custom-defined events as well.

The custom events are those events that are based on such event types as Meetings, Business trips, Sick days, and Vacations and leaves.

In addition to the custom event types, mentioned above, an admin can configure and introduce to the app users the custom-defined event types. Unlike the custom event types that always require the event user(s), the custom-defined event type can be configured in a way so it does not require the event user(s).

More information in regards to the custom-defined event types can be found on this page.


Custom event creation

In order to create an event based on a given custom source, the source has to be enabled, on the left panel. Otherwise the source will not be visible for a selection, on Create Event dialog. If no single source is enabled, on the left panel, a user would not be able to create any event at all.

To create a new custom event, a user can just click on any calendar date or drag a time slot in a time grid, assuming either Day or Week mode is open, in Time view. As a result, the Create Event dialog will be shown.

For instance, a team-lead is scheduling a meeting for a whole team later on, today, in order to discuss the newly arrived customer requirements.


Once a source is selected, a team lead can proceed with Create Event dialog filling in.

Note that the date time from the selected time slot is auto-populated into the dialog data.